Java Variables and Data Types with example

3 min readApr 12, 2019

What is mean by Variable?

A variable is a container that holds values that are used in java program.Every variables must be used to declare a data type. That data type hold the quantity of values.

Using variables in java program you have to follow two steps:

1) Variable Declaration

2) Variable Initialization

Variable Declaration

If you are Declaring a variable in program, you need to specify the data type and that variable unique name.

For example:

Int a,b,c;

Float pi;

Double e;

Variable Initialization:

To initialize a variable, You need to assign a valid value to it.

For example:

Pi = 3.142;

I = 1;


Do = 20.35;

We can combine together declaration and initialization.

Int a=100;


Int a=10,b=20,c=30;

Float pi=3.0142;

Double do = 30.256;

Char a=’v’;

Types of variables

In java, we have 3 types of variables

They are :

1. Local Variables

2. Instance Variables

3. Static Variables

1) Local Variables

Local variables are declared inside the body of a method.

2) Instance Variables

Instance variables are Object specific and are defined without a keyword I.e STATIC Keyword. They are defined outside of the body method declaration.

3) Static Variables

Static variables are initialized at the beginning of the program execution and only once.

These variables are must be initialized first, before the initialization of any other instance variables.

Example: Types of Variables in Java program

Class data {

Int data = 100; //instance variables

Static int a = 1; //static variables

Void method() {

Int b = 87; //local variable



Data types in JAVA

Data types divided into two types it classify the different values to be stored in the variable.

They are:

1. Primitive Data Types

2. Non-primitive Data Types

Primitive Data Types

Primitive data types are called as predefined variables and variable within the java language. Primitive values do not share state with other primitive values.

In primitive data type there are 8 types:

1. Byte

2. Short

3. Int

4. Long

5. Char

6. Float

7. Double

8. Boolean

These all are Integer data types.

Byte (1 bits)

Short (2 byte)

Int (4 byte)

Long (8 byte)

Floating Data Type

Java Variable Type Conversion & Type Casting

A variable one type can receive the value of another type. Here there 2 cases

Case 1) Variable of smaller capacity is be assigned to another variable of bigger capacity

Double d;

Int I = 10;

d = I;

This process is Automatic, and non -explicit is known as conversion

Case 2) Variable of larger capacity is be assigned to another variable of smaller capacity

Double d = 10;

Int I;

I = (int) d

In such case,you have to explicitly specify the type cast operator.This process is known as Type Casting.

